77 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the damages caused by seismic events: First tests on supporting traditional multispectral classification with DSM

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    Seismic damages, as a roof entirely collapsed on the ground, are very difficult to be found using only multispectral classification algorithms. The availability of high resolution stereopairs from satellite disclose new possible fields of application to estimate changes and transformations of areas following catastrophic events. Combining both techniques it is obviously possible only when stereoscopic and multispectral images are available. In this case, as for all monitoring studies, it is necessary to compare the present situation to the pre-seismic one. The pre-seismic situation can be advantageously studied by classic photogrammetric techniques based on aerial frames, that are available in archives managed by photogrammetric companies and local government agencies. But it is also possible to extract the pre-seismic morphology from digital maps, containing the three-dimensional characteristics of the buildings. The present research tries to: a) improve the digital surface model extracted from Ikonos satellite images covering an area of central Italy (Foligno, Umbria), through a pre-treatment of images and a manual editing b) study the best DSM models to improve the detection of height difference, mainly in urban areas, and evaluate the results of the classification of land cover as further data to detect changes in building shape. DSM obtained by three-dimensional maps have been compared with DSM extracted directly from aerial stereo-pairs using different approaches. In the area under study a seismic event happened in September of the '97 causing relevant damages to different urbanized centres of the area

    Networked partisanship and framing: A socio-semantic network analysis of the Italian debate on migration

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    The huge amount of data made available by the massive usage of social media has opened up the unprecedented possibility to carry out a data-driven study of political processes. While particular attention has been paid to phenomena like elite and mass polarization during online debates and echo-chambers formation, the interplay between online partisanship and framing practices, jointly sustaining adversarial dynamics, still remains overlooked. With the present paper, we carry out a socio-semantic analysis of the debate about migration policies observed on the Italian Twittersphere, across the period May-November 2019. As regards the social analysis, our methodology allows us to extract relevant information about the political orientation of the communities of users—hereby called partisan communities—without resorting upon any external information. Remarkably, our community detection technique is sensitive enough to clearly highlight the dynamics characterizing the relationship among different political forces. As regards the semantic analysis, our networks of hashtags display a mesoscale structure organized in a core-periphery fashion, across the entire observation period. Taken altogether, our results point at different, yet overlapping, trajectories of conflict played out using migration issues as a backdrop. A first line opposes communities discussing substantively of migration to communities approaching this issue just to fuel hostility against political opponents; within the second line, a mechanism of distancing between partisan communities reflects shifting political alliances within the governmental coalition. Ultimately, our results contribute to shed light on the complexity of the Italian political context characterized by multiple poles of partisan alignment

    Urban Geology for the Enhancement of the Hypogean Geosites: the Perugia Underground (Central Italy)

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    AbstractUrban geology analyses natural risks and promotes geoheritage in urban areas. In the cities, characterized by a high cultural value, the hypogean artificial cavities, often present in the downtown, offer a unique opportunity to show the geological substratum. Moreover, these places could be a point of interest in urban trekking with the abiotic component of the landscape as a topic (geotourism). To investigate these areas, rigorous bibliographic research and a geomorphological assessment are the first steps, but, besides, non-invasive methods are new techniques increasingly in demand. In this paper, we present a multidisciplinary study on the Etruscan Well (third century B.C.), one of the most important Etruscan artefacts in Perugia (Umbria region, Central Italy). The characteristics of the sedimentary deposits outcropping along the perimeter walls have been collected. Moreover, to show the underground geoheritage, we provide a 3D model of the well and the surrounding area integrating a georeferenced laser scanner survey with ground-penetrating radar prospecting. We aim to obtain a tridimensional mapping of accessible internal rooms to depict the geological characteristics of the Etruscan Well, also revealing a surrounding network of buried galleries. The results are not only a meaningful advancement in the archaeological, geological and historical knowledge of the downtown of Perugia but are a hint for the geoheritage promotion and dissemination, providing images and 3D reconstruction of underground areas

    Endocrine and metabolic evaluation of classic Klinefelter syndrome and high-grade aneuploidies of sexual chromosomes with male phenotype: are they different clinical conditions?

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    Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is the most common sex chromosome aneuploidy in males. As well as classic KS, less frequent higher-grade aneuploidies (HGAs) are also possible. While KS and HGAs both involve testicular dysgenesis with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, they differ in many clinical features. The aim of this study was to investigate the endocrinal and metabolic differences between KS and HGAs.Objective: Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is the most common sex chromosome aneuploidy in males. As well as classic KS, less frequent higher-grade aneuploidies (HGAs) are also possible. While KS and HGAs both involve testicular dysgenesis with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, they differ in many clinical features. The aim of this study was to investigate the endocrinal and metabolic differences between KS and HGAs. Design: Cross-sectional, case-control study. Methods: 88 patients with KS, 24 with an HGA and 60 healthy controls. Given the known age-related differences all subjects were divided by age into subgroups 1, 2 and 3. Pituitary, thyroid, gonadal and adrenal functions were investigated in all subjects. Metabolic aspects were only evaluated in subjects in subgroups 2 and 3. Results: FT4 and FT3 levels were significantly higher in HGA than in KS patients in subgroups 1 and 2; in subgroup 3, FT4 was significantly higher in controls than in patients. Thyroglobulin was significantly higher in HGA patients in subgroup 1 than in KS patients and controls. Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism was confirmed in both KS and HGA patients, but was more precocious in the latter, as demonstrated by the earlier increase in gonadotropins and the decrease in testosterone, DHEA-S and inhibin B. Prolactin was significantly higher in HGA patients, starting from subgroup 2. Total and LDL cholesterol were significantly higher in HGA patients than in KS patients and controls, while HDL cholesterol was higher in controls than in patients. Conclusions: KS and HGAs should be considered as two distinct conditions

    Analysing discursive communities and semantic networks on Twitter: an entropy-based approach

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    At the intersection between social sciences and network theory, the aim of this presentation is that of illustrating an entropy-based, data-driven approach to infer communities of Twitter users and looking at their interactions within a specific discussion. Amongst the various kind of interactions, the retweets have been chosen as a particularly insightful relational mechanism featured by Twitter. Our approach is based on a Shannon entropy maximization under certain constraints which guarantees that the procedure is unbiased and suitable for being applied to any properly-defined Twitter discussions. One of the main results of our analysis is the operational definition of "discursive communities" as groups of users who share significantly-similar retweeting patterns. Comparing the observed bipartite network of users retweeting activities with the outcome of a properly-defined benchmark model, i.e. the Bipartite Configuration Model (BiCM), our inference method validate the similarity in the online activity of Twitter users who share the same contents, published by the accounts of public figures, to infer the presence of users communities with supposedly common features. The discursive communities recovered by our method display a coherent picture of its users behavior, in terms of retweeting and mentioning activities; besides, these communities are consistent with the political coalitions and sensitive to the dynamics characterizing the relationship within and between these coalitions as well. A second core result of our analysis concerns the study of the mechanisms that shape the Twitter discussions characterizing the aforementioned discursive communities. By monitoring, on a daily and a monthly basis, the structural evolution of the community-generated semantic networks, the users in each community are observed to be characterized by a significantly different online behavior, thus inducing semantic networks with diverse topological structures

    Automatic three-dimensional features extraction: The case study of L'Aquila for collapse identification after April 06, 2009 earthquake

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    This paper illustrates an innovative methodology for post-earthquake collapsed building recognition, based on satellite-image classification methodologies and height variation information. Together, the techniques create a robust classification that seems to yield good results in this application field. In the first part of this study, two different feature extraction methodologies were compared, based respectively on pixel-based and object-oriented approaches. Then the classification results of the most accurate classification methodology, obtained on an eight band WorldView-2 monoscopic image, were completed with height variation information before and after the event. The height difference is calculated, comparing a photogrammetric DSM, obtained using a photogrammetric rigorous orbital model on some EROS-B 0.7 metre across-track stereopairs with a 'roof model' before the earthquake
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